So Many Signs

There is so much happening in our world right now. I know, I know there always has been and for as long as man has been around the end is near, the signs are there. I get that but today is DIFFERENT, we are watching things unfold right before our eyes day by day.

There are a lot of things to look at right now. First, the financial world, going digital is HUGE and most just shake it off. Secondly, Wars and rumors of wars, yes there has always been wars in this world, I understand this but as we look deeper into todays happenings around the world and see how it aligns with Scripture, WOW. And Third, the Church, not only in USA but around the world, although USA is the spotlight of it all. How the culture and the church intertwine together and what it all means.

Let’s take a look at the WORLD financial situation and what it means to us.

23 Countries Now Abandoning US Dollar

23 Countries Now Abandoning US Dollar

A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency.

23 countries (60% of the world’s GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.

These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Once the new system is in place, our dollar won’t be needed in these countries and a new reserve currency will come into being. All those dollars in foreign accounts will come home, which will annihilate our monetary system.

Also, China just announced that it will stop purchasing our debt (holding dollars in reserve). This will force The Federal Reserve to print even more dollars than the $85 billion it’s currently printing.

World reserve currencies have always had a limited life span and ours is up.

Historically, new world reserve currencies are backed by gold.

Prices just dropped on gold and silver. NOW it the time to buy! Protect your wealth my friends.

For several years, financial analysts, primarily those outside the mainstream of academia, have been warning that any day could be the black swan event that collapses the dollar, and ends U.S. hegemony as caretaker of the world’s reserve currency. That day has finally arrived as on Nov. 18, a former head trader for a major financial institution issued a harbinger and stated that 23 countries, and 60% of the world’s GDP, are right now setting up new swap lines which bypass the dollar, SWIFT, and the BIS, and will usher in a new global currency system which will kill the dollar.

The thoughts that are put into the minds of men that are aware of what is occurring on trading floors all over the world is when? When is also the question that I get asked about quite often by thousands of people. So what is the “when”? The “when” is what is the sure sign that this fraudulent sham that we call an economy is over? Folks the biggest sign is when those that trade in the dollar to acquire goods, no longer want the worthless paper because of US “bully” policies or they have totally lost faith in the US as a responsible steward of it’s currency and economy. That day has arrived.

All over the world economies that have not totally shot themselves in the foot by gambling in the Anglo-American casino are now moving to set up various currency exchanges by passing the dollar. – Rogue Money via Steve Quayle Q Alerts

The list of the 23 countries which are creating new swap lines outside of the dollar include China, Russia, India, and surprisingly, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. This means that the Eurozone itself is abandoning the dollar, and preparing for transition to a new central banking system.

To facilitate the transfer of currencies and swap lines, there needs to be a bank of sufficient size and stature to aid in handling of this monumental task. One year ago, China, along with the BRICs nations of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, loaned money to a new financial institution they established and labeled the BRICs bank. This bank was created with the intention of bypassing the dollar, and allowing free trade to occur between nations without the need to trade for dollars first, as is currently the format under the petrodollar system. In fact, the new BRICs bank will function both as a bank of international settlement, as well as a lender of last resort, eliminating the need for the BIS and IMF, which currently reside under dollar dominion.

The only thing that stands in the way of the world’s final rejection of the dollar is the wavering trust that Saudi Arabia and OPEC have with the U.S. in assuring oil transactions remain denominated in dollars under the 1970’s Petrodollar agreement. But as the world has seen recently, even the Saudi kingdom is hedging towards a new global system, and has publicly stated that their ties to the U.S. are open for re-negotiation.

What started in September of last year, when an agreement between China and Russia ended the dollar’s stranglehold over oil and how it was purchased, the past 14 months have seen a momentous rush towards setting up the infrastructure to replace the dollar completely in global transactions. And with 23 countries, including those from the BRICs nations and the Eurozone, preparing for new swap lines outside of dollar hegemony, the fuse has been lit on the dollar’s death rattle, and the when has changed into the now.


This is all done with purpose, and has been in the works for decades, and our government is part of it. WE MUST keep our eyes open and be prepared, I believe that they will go to any extent to bring us to a place where we will be happy to accept the one world currency that THEY control 100%. With the flick of a switch they can turn your money off and will not be able to buy or sell. Why would our Gov’t do such a thing? Total control, right now they silence you and me and call it “mis-information” just think of this in a few short years. Mis-information was not ever a “thing” until the truth started coming out.

BE AWAKE – not woke. Make no mistake they want to take your guns away, take your money away, take your rights away and control you (the population) 100%. Those that are asleep will be angered buy this, call me a “conspiracy theorist” and call me crazy. Dig into what is going on. GET off the news and get in the know. There are 100’s of broadcast and podcast to learn from.

The last thing I want to say about this, is that GOD is in control and it is mapped out 100% in His Word, that the world is laughing at! We should not be surprised and would should not fear. Fear what God can do not what the world can do to you. In the book or Revelation it says “

No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. Thus no one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast—that is, his name or his number. They could not buy or sell anything unless they had the mark. The mark is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 13:17 

Next I will look at Wars and Rumer’s of Wars – in the meantime check out this Video of Misty Edwars (from International House of Prayer) People walking with their fingers in their ears…Diane and I was present when she sang this at One Thing in Kansas City – this is how we brought in the new year!!!