Truth …..think about it

The devil calls us hopeless hypocrites. The enemy wears down many with accusation and condemnation. He wants us to feel like hopeless hypocrites so that we give up. He wants us to confuse immaturity with rebellion so that we give up.

Many spend excessive emotional energy fighting the fires of condemnation and worthlessness. The baggage of condemnation and rejection takes a lot of energy to manage. This prevents us from effectively walking with the Lord because we are preoccupied with failure and shame.

Many focus on measuring their attainment of maturity instead of being focused on setting the intentions of their heart to obey and believe. When we measure our attainment of maturity, we become vulnerable to two spiritual problems. 

  1. If we measure up well, we can feel proud and criticize others who fail. 
  2. If we fail, then we feel condemned and thus, feel like quitting.

Our primary focus is to be on God’s emotions (beauty) and in setting the intention of our heart to fully love Him (obey and believe His Word). He will work mature victory in us in His timing.

13It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:13)

Cherishing is the way a man changes his wife or children. All of God’s discipline occurs as He cherishes us. Parents often do not rightly interpret the budding virtues in their children. They see failure instead of the budding seeds of dedication and greatness.

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